New Mexico Drivers Ed Sign Up Form

The process of starting your Drivers Ed Training can be confusing.
National Driver Training is here to help at every step of the way.
Follow these steps to start your training.

Step 1 - Apply With National Driver Training

Complete the sign-up form below. - New Mexico requires all students to apply with both their driving school AND the Traffic Safety Center before purchasing a Correspondence Driver Education Program.

Once you complete Step 2, the Traffic Safety Center will notify us directly.

Step 2 - Apply with UNM Traffic Safety Center

Mail your CSDRED Application to the Traffic Safety Center. - If you complete this sign-up form with National Driver Training, we'll handle this for you!

After filling out the form, you can download a printable version of your CSDRED Application.

Sign the application and mail it to the UNM Traffic Safety Center.

Even if you’ve already mailed your application, please complete the form below so we have a record.
The State of New Mexico will not allow National Driver Training to provide you with any course materials unless we have a record of your NDT application.

After mailing your application, watch for an email from the UNM Traffic Safety Center giving you permission to take our course.

Step 3 - Make Payment and Get Your Course Materials

Use the email from National Driver Training to make payment and begin your course! - Once the Traffic Safety Center approves your application, they’ll notify both you and us.

After we confirm your approval AND receive your NDT application (the form below), we'll send a third email with payment instructions and access to your course materials.

Expect this email by the end of the next business day after we receive your NDT Course Application AND your approval from the UNM Traffic Safety Center.

Student Information
Parent/Guardian Information
Qualifying Condition

All students must qualify under Condition 1 OR Condition 2

Condition 1
  • Student is homeschooled in ALL subjects by the Parent/Guardian
  • *Official documentation of your student's home school enrollment must be accompanied with the application.
Condition 2
Inability to attend in-person driver education because...
  • School Status
  • Distance
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Employment
  • Extenuating Circumstances

The student named above is home-schooled in ALL subjects.

In order for a student to be approved under this condition you must provide verification that you have notified and registered with the New Mexico Public Educaion Department (NMPED) your intent to home school this student for the current school year.

**Please Note: Official documentation of your students' home school enrollment must be accompanied with the application.**

School Information

Please select one option below:

(Select one option if applicable):

Please acknowledge that you have read each statement below: