Wayne Tully Profile

Wayne Tully

President & CEO

Wayne Tully is the founder of National Driver Training Institute. He became involved in the industry when he was made aware of the increasingly devastating statistics on teen driver fatalities. Like most professionals in the industry, Wayne had long known state governments could not afford to provide public schools with expert-supported, quality driver education and training. In fact, many states had pulled out of the driver’s ed business altogether. Even though parents were paying more for the improved driver’s ed programs offered by private companies, the expected downtick in teen crashes did not occur.

Compelled to change the trend of teen fatalities, Wayne Tully brought a new approach to the driver education industry by re-creating the teaching process and adding two new factors: 1) Concurrent training with the theory (classroom) and practical (behind-the-wheel). 2. Add parents to the teaching process for no less than 40 hours of practice driving skills. Tully designed this curriculum to teach students a new way to learn and give them smaller and more manageable goals to help refine their driving skills. This method allows the student to successfully graduate from one level to the next. In 1996 this became known as Graduated Driver Licensing.

This later became the standard and written into state statue at one level or another across the United States. The first state that recognized this curriculum and parents as a major part of this training process was Texas. In 1996, SB 964 became law and National Driver Training’s course 102 had their first state to recognize the importance of concurrent training and parent involvement in the training process.

This successful approach swept the nation and led to Tully being invited to testify across the nation. To date, he has assisted in the changing and reforming of teen driver training laws in 28 states. In 2015, Tully was one of only a handful of people selected from around the world to address the National Traffic Safety Board in Washington, DC on the effectiveness of Parent Taught Driver Education. Finally, after decades of steadily worsening teen driver statistics, the method that Tully has promoted – parent involvement and long learning periods – statistics of teen drivers have improved.

Today National Driver Training and their employees hold the highest driver education and training license available in the state of Texas. National Driver Training is one of only a few companies licensed to teach and certify new driving instructors in Texas and several other states. Wayne Tully also holds certification for driver education curriculum development in several other states. He has developed the nation’s first online driver education programs.

As a father of 3 adult children, Tully now lives in Lakeway, Texas, with his wife of 50 years and continues to serve as the CEO of National Driver Training.